Tuesday, August 6, 2019

火锅大王 Hotpot 中华人民共和国 News

I obviously agree with everything you say..and I’ll finally send you an email on Patreon, because, despite knowing the backlash I’m going to get; I’ve been de-friended by MANY friends and acquaintances on twitter and Facebook already. Heck, I was wearing my “I Love China” T-shirt last week and the older gentleman who delivers my groceries announced he can no longer deliver to me. I KNEW the shirt would spark conversations-which is fine and what I intended; but this fellow baby-Boomer didn’t want a conversation, he inexplicably cited his Christian faith and veteran status that he didn’t feel comfortable around a “Satanic Communist”. SAY WHAT??

 I was dumbfounded...still am. I spoke to one of the girls at the store where I get my groceries because he refused to talk to me and left, refusing his usual tip. My friend at the store, Janine, said that some people in this town still think the yoga ashram up the road, (where I lived and worked for over 2 years when I first moved here-this was over 10 years ago, shortly after my accident and yoga therapy got me out of, and keeps me out of, a wheelchair), is some kind of satanic commune. I KNEW there were people like that when I moved into town, but considering all the money the Institute has brought to this town, saving many businesses from bankruptcy, AND people from the institute being active in everything from healthcare to local government, I thought things had changed. So, THATS where the “satanic” part comes from, and if I’ve learned anything from this town, it’s that it’s racism and bigotry run deep. 😔. I usually stay to myself and no longer have any close friends around here. My black and Indian friends moved away when the harassment and bullying reached a point they were concerned about safety. I HAD planned on moving myself this summer..but it doesn’t appear that’s going to happen now. Anyways, back to China-I’ve actually had a couple of great conversations with some people. I’m friends with the family who own the local taxi service and she said they would even consider visiting China now for their twice yearly international trips. 😁

When she came by to pick up some Chinese food I had made too much of last week; we sat down and I showed her some pictures my son had taken in China and gave her the link to some videos, yes, yours, but also the Xinhua News Channel New China TV, CGTN’s series on scenic & historic places, and a few others. I gave her a small box of extra stuff I had, including some Chinese bilingual children’s books someone sent me by mistake-for her grandchildren. My idea is that I’ve started writing a piece about my own views on China that I will eventually post on Medium. I’m finding that trying to explain everything to someone online, whether through twitter or Facebook; ends up not helping. After this tragic weekend, it’s been extremely disheartening seeing so many jump on the conspiracy bandwagon. It seems many people are completely stuck in the mindset that EVERYTHING MUST be EITHER pure black or white, far-left or far-right, pro-gun or complete ban...NO GREY areas are accepted. Trying to talk to these folks about China ends up the same way- Pro-China =“brainwashed communist party member”...OR you have to hate China. My mind just can NOT wrap around these concepts and I have no idea if they can be reasoned with. It’s been a complete shock for me to see, hear and read how effective the anti-China propaganda machine has been...and I continue to hear it daily with mainstream media using the non-existent “China planted backdoor chips in Apple phones”, (DESPITE Apple insistence, IN CONGRESS, that they didn’t), the frequent claims of current “intellectual property theft”; things like this are brought up EVERY TIME they discuss trade with China. I heard someone on Fox last week insisting that China had built up the islands in the South China Sea AND had plans for building up “a Bay Area”, specifically for possible action against the US. 🙄. When the public is constantly hearing this steady stream of misinformation, HOW do we convince them of THE TRUTH?? I’m just going to do my best to write something truthful, AND encourage people to actually talk to people from/in China. I’ve just been so shocked recently at how I don’t recognize many of the things happening in my country anymore. I feel like an outsider, stuck watching more fear, anger, and hatred than I’ve ever seen before; and millions have already built a “wall”, around themselves and refuse to let in anything that doesn’t confirm their already held biases. 😔

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Hotpot News by Nathan Rich

Hello I'm Nathan Rich aka Hotpot king


it's time for another hotpot news video already I know I know I can't wait either [Music] people are asking me to comment on other people who try to discredit me don't bother I don't care what a bunch of deadweight thinks about me we're trying to do something here you and I we're trying to correct this ridiculous amount of anti Chinese bias in the world what are they doing about this problem contributing to it or whining about someone who is honestly I don't even watch those people and I suggest you avoid them as well either we're going to try to fix this problem or we aren't if we do things their way we aren't we have a real chance to tell the world it's okay to love China so let's do that let's solve this problem [Music] YouTube is d monetizing my videos I want to be clear about what that means exactly because it's actually kind of a confusing term when you make a video on YouTube you can enable monetization which is really just adds that helps cover the monetary costs and in fact the time costs of doing these videos some of these videos take me weeks to finish and while I don't need the money to survive on it's much nicer to make videos and not lose money in the process if you know what I mean so when you enable these ads YouTube will determine if your videos are suitable if they determine your videos too controversial let's say they may severely limit the ads on that video when I say severely I mean literally 90 percent of the ads and revenue are gone there's of course no notification given there's no rationale offered no explanation or dialogue at all the only thing they tell you is that your video doesn't follow the advertiser friendly content guidelines well then that's easy I mean just follow the guidelines and videos won't be demonetised right wait what are those guidelines anyway all I need to do is just avoid any of these things inappropriate language which is described as strong profanity or vulgarity it also says it needs to be frequent use okay well that's oh wait then here it says occasional use of profanity won't necessarily be a ban but it could be so in other words if you say anything profane or vulgar then it's completely up to them whether to de monetize your video well alright well let's see what else Oh violence adult content harmful or dangerous acts hateful content drugs Tobacco Firearms adult themes and family content or and this is my favorite controversial issues and sensitive events they list out some examples sexual abuse terrorism extremism war death tragedies political conflicts and they clearly write non-exhaustive this means they can just Iman ties any video by calling it sensitive so there you have it unless I changed this channel to one about my cats they are going to continue D monetize in my videos because you know what there are a lot of sensitive topics that need to be discussed in the world so if you see a red X next to one of my videos that means the video is d monetized if you like the videos with the red X and want to continue seeing them I will ask you to support this channel by going to hotpot team and reading the numerous ways to do so or by checking the description of the video I think today I'm going to engage with a hater fun ami right 1010 so this guy says he checks YouTube to see if I made a new video every day thanks man I mean I'm not making these videos for myself over here I already know how I see things I'm trying to share these things with everyone else so great thanks and most of the replies are positive but look at this lady your life must be sad if you have nothing better to do than waiting for this foreigners video who only wants to make money from you he doesn't even have respect to learn our beautiful language or understand our real history he doesn't care about China he just wants to say good stuff and get lots of money shame on you for supporting this for a liar wow that's a lot of hate one little comment let me clarify since you seem confused about Who I am and what I'm doing and who you are and what you're doing but you're right my Chinese isn't good enough I can understand most conversations without issue but I can't actually speak very well myself you know why because from 2014 to 2018 I was working as a CTO and a visual effects company where I had a very nice assistant named Catherine who also translated for me when your company is making Hollywood movies no one has time for the CTO to slow everything down with clunky Chinese but because I am fascinated by the language my listening skills developed so when I hang out with my friends I can understand most of what they're saying but I'm like a mute believe me it's sad and now I'm so busy I barely do anything anymore no excuse I know so in a way you're right my Chinese isn't where I wanted to be you got me there but then you start to wander off and lose the plot a bit you seem to think I'm making videos to get money lady I hate to be the one to break this to you and please don't tell anyone this I don't care about your view count at all you know how much money I get from these videos compared to let's say if I just say yes to any of the huge offers I have for my time zero less than zero I'm losing by not taking bigger offers I get to be a technical executive at companies in America instead I spend my time in the country I love pushing away high-paying a part-time work to make videos on a subject I'm passionate about and then I get mosquitos like you who come along and accuse me of gaining money no these videos are killing my bank accounts they're losing me more money per year than most people make you get it and I would have to be stupid to not want these videos to cover their own cost then weirdly you say I don't try to learn China's real history this one is so strange it actually makes me think you're truly you do realize that I may literally be the only foreigner in the history of YouTube to be creating a real history video series about China right I'm gonna open the history up to the world the question you should be asking yourself Amy is why haven't you done this and why do you attack those who do why are you so determined to attack one of the voices supporting China and that brings me to the real point here I'm not making videos for me not for you either I'm making them for people who enjoy them or need them you see Amy there are Chinese people out in the world right now being bombarded with anti Chinese media they're being told by their friends and the media that their country your country is garbage they are being taught to hate their families they're being taught to hate their culture so who can these people turn to for balance you Amy where are your videos Amy know you don't have any so your solution is to just let these people down let them suffer and lose themselves is that it you see I feel partially responsible for the current anti-chinese climate in the world I did nothing to help and I can't stop it but I can try to fight it and Amy I'll continue to fight it with or without your help I'll continue to fight it even if no one supports me I was making these videos before anyone knew who I was because I care about China and the way it's perceived what are you doing to help this situation trying to shame people for watching alternative views hating on people that represent China in a positive light [Music] I've been thinking a lot about this documentary series because I'm doing this without a team I really need to weigh my options I was planning on doing a 20 hour documentary split into one-hour parts but honestly with work and other engagements I simply don't have enough time to do it right and on top of all that YouTube has been deep monetizing my videos which is discouraging and even if I had enough time to do it right you guys would still have to wait months as I finish it up but I think I've got a better way to do it which mostly solves these issues I'm not a hundred percent settled on this approach but it does seem the best way so you let me know what you think what if instead of a packaged documentary I told the same story but in sequential videos maybe once a week or once every other week depending on my time so in other words all release the documentary over time in smaller videos this means you'll get to start watching it very soon like in the next few weeks or so and you'll have a constant stream of videos from that over a long period of time but the thing to note is it will have a lot more of me analyzing each subject than I originally planned I think this is a pretty good way to do it let me know what you think seriously I want to know what you think about this idea because I work in a bubble [Music] so why don't you do this why don't you go check out the patreon or subscribe star for the anti Chinese channel of your choice go take a look I'm serious and compare it to mine if you think the numbers are fair then fine but if you want to fight back you know who to support and I think we all know who Amy is backing for other ways to support that don't cause money check out the description of the video I've got some more videos coming up and a few of them are doozies so stay tuned in the meantime just remember contrary to what Amy says it is okay to love China thanks everyone see ya [Music] you

Hotpot king

Hi Nathan Rich, u r right ! I have NEVER seen any other American making pro China video like you do. Your video is great and your work is much appreciated. And it is very insightful and makes a lot of sense. I hope that it can reach out to America and Europe due to the fact that it is made by an American. And don't bother about those negative people like Amy.
Nathan Rich

I am Brazilian I also make videos talking about the good things about China and chinese products, to try to show how the real China is. In my mind, people who hate China, is just because they never being here or those people who think china should be the same as their own countries, and they ignore all the chinese culture, traditions and history. There is so many things people could understand if they learn about the culture here. It is really very important to show the good things about China because there are so many people still think China is the old and poor China, they just ignore the fact China changed so much in just few decades. I have a dream to vist places in China, even those inner places with small villages to show how beautiful is China, full of traditions, full of compassion, etc

Before traveling to China and speaking to a lot of foreigners who live in China, I thought China is a country with no freedom and everything is so backward. Thanks to the mainstream media in the America. My view changed totally on the day when I set my foot here. It's very sad to see what happened in Hong Kong. If that kind of violence happened back in the America, those people would be shot on the spot already. If all the young people in Hong kong has the mindset like Nathan, Hong kong would be a much wonderful place to live in.

Nathan Rich 火锅大王
Nathan! you are a nice rich man ^_< !!! That "amy right 天天" doesn't qualify as a Chinese from my point of view. As a Chinese myself I appreciate if someone, specially who are not Chinese to stand up for us and to tell the truth to the rest of the world. I knew we are far from perfect but we are working hard and make our country turning to a better place. We are humble and gentle nation in the past and still now.

Nathan, you should've gone with the mini series format to begin with. People generally don't have the patience and attention span for (20h!) documentary anymore. I get it seems more appropriate and respectful for the subject, but this is YouTube. Consider various history channels or even popsci channels that break down heavy topics into digestible bits. Those do really well. This is definitely the way to go. Plus a mini series fits more of your individual style, no? Side-note: might want to replace the X with something else or better yet remove them. I never use emoji but can tell when they're misused. The titles look kind of confusing now. I get what you're saying about not wanting to lose money working on this passion project; I also get that you value time. It's a legitimate concern everyone should share that truth-telling is often underfunded than propaganda. But I think a better way to tackle this is for you to think long term: how to you want this project to grow? Where do you see yourself (or this project) in 5 years- still solo or will you collaborate with like-minded individuals? That'll help you plan for the future and avoid taxing yourself. It doesn't have to stay a passion project. I think people will be happy to see you producing a documentary with a professional team when you've gained serious traction. But that's a question for the future and a mini-series will do fine for now. And if it's any solace, try not to take it too personally- YouTube is mass-demonetizing political channels left and right these days. I personally appreciate this endeavor seeing the same truth is often discounted or dismissed when told by Chinese people, whom the West assumes being brainwashed and whom indeed cannot articulate most of the time. Thank you and best of luck.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Hong Kong Riots

 "I won't talk about protest in HK anymore,I want to talk about 'the riot' in HK."

We Chinese had the most painful experience at the hand of foreign powers
 for100s of years. We have survived and getting stronger. We aren't
going to help them to do it again to China.

It is quite obvious to me the only country that Sincerely wants HK to
succeed is mainland China. Anyone else really cares for us? No. It would
 be in their interest to see HK fail miserably to cause substantial pain
 to China. Before you go out to the street, know yourself first.<br />
I am chinese and I am moved.Why do you know China so well? I cant believe that there is a person who understands China. Good job,火锅大王,I support you(I am sorry my English is not very well)

Thank you so much, Nathan! I've been in the US for 6 years so far. My
mentality has experienced a few times of transformations from being
against whatever China is doing to being compassionate about what China
has been doing. Basically, it comes from what I've learned in
postcolonial studies literature. I've been very clearly aware of now how
 much pressure China's government has to face in today's "international"
 society (directed mainly by the US of course) and how strong they have
to remain to fight against the post-colonial forces that have poisoned
most of the world's land (90% of the world was colonized by the
Europeans during the past 500 years). Postcolonial studies has taught me
 to see the world from a more sophisticated lens in which history and
geopolitics should be interrogated!

In Fanon's "The Wretched of the Earth," Said's "Orientalism," and
Mbembe's "On the Post-Colony," I've heard heartbreaking cries of the
peoples in the former colonies that are barely heard still today. As
Mbembe mentioned, the power of colonization lies not only in the slavery
 of indigenous lands and bodies, but also in the colonization of
peoples' minds. This is exactly the case in Hong Kong today. The "New
Race" produced by the colonization already bears in their minds that
they are superior to their own people and they are so accustomed to
thinking that their internalized racism will make them look superior,
which is totally wrong. By simply and selectively forgetting what their
ancestors had experienced as the colonized does NOT and will NEVER make
them any different from slaves, who are used as instruments to fight
against their own people, culture, and government. It's such a tragedy.&nbsp;

Colonization has left around the world two things: VIOLENCE and CHAOS.
It is true in Latin America, in dozens of African countries, in India,
and anywhere else. These two things have made decolonization across the
world so difficult and the re-nationalization of Hong Kong extremely

Democracy "left" by the colonizers is not REAL democracy AT ALL. Do NOT
forget that in all colonies the colonizers practiced only racism and
apartheid rather than anything else. Only the democracy chosen by the
former colonized themselves after independence is the real democracy,
such as Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore or future China when its 60% people
have college education ready for its own democracy!

Although the separation makes HongKongers a different people, they're
still CHINESE anywhere they go in this world. Their claims for more
autonomy and freedom are legitimate but they need to learn how to make
constructive communication with their own people and government rather
than simply acting violently, or just ignoring what goods China has
brought to this world, or accusing today's China of any wrongdoings done
 decades ago by a totally different group of people, or naively
imagining what would go wrong in the future based on Western
demonization of communism while pretending not to see the endless wrongs
 of the US style of democracy in the past and today.&nbsp;

The STATIC way of contemplating China and Chinese people in mainland is
so ironically false given that many Hongkongers claim they're good at
critical thinking. As if Chinese in mainland are all dumb and lack of
independent thoughts. If so, who has been doing all the hard work to
enable China to achieve the great accomplishments today, which makes the
 US so scared of? And who have been selected into the most prestigious
universities around the world so that the US is so afraid that they
would bring the top-level technology back to China? IT IS CHINESE
MAINLANDERS, adequately worthy of your respect and pride, my dear fellow

Plus, remember, with today's anti-Chinese sentiment in the West,
wherever you go, YOU, my dear fellow Hongkongers, will definitely be 
targeted as a 100% CHINESE as well!

It's time to WAKE UP now to decolonize your mind!

I was born in HK left HK to pursue further study in one of the Western
countries. My whole life has been raised and educated in classic western
 democracy. I have zero exposure to the communist China. But Nathan, you
 have 100% of my support, because I can follow the simple logic you have
 laid out in the video. I am not a proud British nor American I am a
proud Hong Konger and a proud Chinese.

At a time of external forces trying to pull Greater China apart, using
the most drastic measures, I ask myself what is my ROOT? My root
stretches all the way to China. I want HK to succeed, I want China to
succeed. I don't want HK and China to be split and fragmented due to
differences,misunderstandings and ignorance which is currently being
used very effectively by the external forces and their local proxies.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Hot Pot news Hong Kong

 Nathan Rick with The Hot Pot king news

Dear Hong Kong son, what on earth does your dear mother (Central
government - CCP) owe you?

As a patriotic "youth" abroad, I am far away from my motherland, but my
heart feels for my motherland.

My 8 questions/facts for Hong Kong son to ponder. What does your mother
owe you?!

Fact/Q1: On returning home to your family, after many decades of forced
separation, your parents are concern that you are not used to living at
home. They strictly implement the policy of "one country, two systems"
set at the time of your return, so that you can enjoy judicial,
legislative and administrative autonomy, which symbolizes a high degree
of autonomy.

Fact/Q 2 : You never have to pay a single cent in tax to your parents /
the central government. All the money earned by you are used for
yourself. There are many children in your family. But your mother never
ask a cent from you even though she has many mouths to feed. This makes
Shandong Province, Guangdong Province and other major financial and
provinces subjected to taxes envy you very much.

Fact/Q 3 : In order to protect your position and advantages, your mother
 has repeatedly suppressed or delayed the launching of new programmes
for other cities, such as Shanghai Deepwater Port, Free Trade Zone,
Financial Center, Disney and so on, for fear of being unfavorable to

Fact /Q4 : Export of your products to the mainland : 273 major products
are subject to zero tariffs, which means that the mainland, the world's
largest market, is basically opened to you, making the surrounding
countries and regions salivate.

Fact/Q5 : Your mother, the central government, has been strongly
encouraging mainlanders to travel to Hong Kong. The most important
agenda of these tourists to Hong Kong is shopping. Our family members
spent a lot of money in Hong Kong. Even your butt should be able to
understand the benefits mainlander tourists bring to you.

Fact/Q 6: What freedom and democracy did you enjoyed when you were
kidnapped from home ?The British troops in Hong Kong were supported with
 your money. The Governor and other senior officials were all appointed
by the Queen. Most of the tax revenues were siphoned off to Britain. You
 were housed in bird cages.

Why didnt you raise up to "occupy central or protest against London"?

Fact/Q 7: Your mother gave top priority in supporting a quality
livelihood for you. Your mother sends the best and freshest meat,
vegetables, eggs and milk to Hong Kong every day and ensure adequate
supply of water, electricity and gas. She never stint or hesitate in
giving the best for you !

Fact/Q 8 : Your parents have given you high respect as a local
government in the international arena, allowed you to participate in
international affairs as an entity, occupied independent seats in
various international flora, and can participate fully with the central

So, dear HK son: What else do you want from your mother?

Hotpot Nathan Rich

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Hotpot King 火锅大王

Scientology Aftermath and other things in life.

Part 1 of a short conversation with my friend and colleague, Ron B.
00:00 Introduction
01:23 What did Ron know about Scientology before meeting me?
04:21 Had Ron seen Scientology and the Aftermath before I showed him?
08:39 What was Ron's impression from reading the first draft of my book?
09:48 What did Ron think about the interviews I did with Aaron Smith-Levin?
14:23 Did Scientology help frame Nathan's understanding of logical thinking and help him get into technology?
17:27 What does Nathan think about Scientology as self-help without the "religion" part of it?
18:32 How did Nathan learn about understanding personality types?
20:32 How has Nathan used technical thinking in his life?
22:17 Nathan should go on the Joe Rogan Podcast.
24:19 Lots of crazy stuff happened after Nathan left the Ranch.
25:50 Why doesn't Nathan have any kids?
28:15 What does Nathan think about the future, when everyone lives forever?
31:18 Talking about NASA
32:58 On changing careers when at the top of your game.
41:50 Java programming sucks
43:02 Why does Nathan want to leave the IT world?

NathanRich by serenahottie
Nathan Rich by serenahottie

Part 1 of a short conversation with my friend and colleague, Ron B.
00:00 Introduction
01:23 What did Ron know about Scientology before meeting me?
04:21 Had Ron seen Scientology and the Aftermath before I showed him?
08:39 What was Ron's impression from reading the first draft of my book?
09:48 What did Ron think about the interviews I did with Aaron Smith-Levin?
14:23 Did Scientology help frame Nathan's understanding of logical thinking and help him get into technology?
17:27 What does Nathan think about Scientology as self-help without the "religion" part of it?
18:32 How did Nathan learn about understanding personality types?
20:32 How has Nathan used technical thinking in his life?
22:17 Nathan should go on the Joe Rogan Podcast.
24:19 Lots of crazy stuff happened after Nathan left the Ranch.
25:50 Why doesn't Nathan have any kids?
28:15 What does Nathan think about the future, when everyone lives forever?
31:18 Talking about NASA
32:58 On changing careers when at the top of your game.
41:50 Java programming sucks
43:02 Why does Nathan want to leave the IT world?

Nathan Rich Hotspot team king with Lil Dump remix
Racism is never acceptable. Lil Pump's racist remarks didn't go unanswered.

CCTV another example of the fun architecture in Sanlitun and arround Chaoyang in Beijing China.

火锅大王 NathanRich

As things growing together Hot pot king becomes hotpot king and a new meaning comes
Meander in G
NathanRich 火锅大王
NathanRich 火锅大王

Nathan Rich
Nathan Rich

火锅大王 Nathan Rich
火锅大王 Hotpot King Nathan Rich

Out of the box
A ring pling pling

However a sign reader near Serenahottie have predicted a sharp spike raise in the subs on the youtube channel Nathan Rich

Bria Mason interviewing Nathan Rich
Finding angles and corners. Revealing deep...

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Nathan Rich 火锅大王


Nathan Rich youtube feed

Nathan Rich
Nathan Rich

After Tragedy Comes Fortune

Scientology. Mace-Kingsley Ranch. Drugs. Homelessness. Disconnection. Attacks.
Tragedy comes in many forms. Scientology and a life alone contributed to mine.
I like a Chinese saying so much it’s tattooed on my arm:
which literally translates into English as:
Big difficulty not die must have after luck
which when interpreted can be said to mean:
Surviving difficulties brings you great fortune
In the world today people have a real need for clarity. It’s so attractive to think of a belief structure or organization that has the answers. I have a particular strain of mental fortitude which has always led me out of these belief structures. I’m no genius, I’m no savior. I’m just a man in the world, shaking off after much a long life and difficult past.
Everyone’s story is different. Each has tragedy, wonder, difficulties and fortune. My name is Nathan Rich. Herein lies my story.

Scientology Rewards Molestation Cover-up

Scientology released a video (link b) about me, featuring the family that disconnected from me defending child molestation and abuse at the Mace-Kingsley Ranch. Oddly, it also featured a skeletal figure poising as a human. Originally I thought it was Skeletor, antagonist of the Masters of the Universe franchise (He-Man’s enemy).  It turns out I was wrong. Apparently this wasn’t actually Skeletor, but was in fact what’s left of Carol Kingsley

Carol Kingsley and Arlene Rich are Friends

Carol Kingsley, a celebrity within Scientology, is the founder of the Mace-Kingsley Ranch. The Ranch was made famous by its abuse of children as revealed on Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. Though the Ranch was closed down by the government, Carol is still very active with children (link). Her Facebook (link) is, at the time of writing this public, allowing any people out there to contact her and comment on her posts. A friend of mine was browsing her profile and happened to notice on her page something quite revealing.
At approximately the time that she was taking part in making that video, she posted a very interesting comment. It seemed that Arlene Rich (link, also public), my ex-Sea Org Aunt who also took her turn defending child molestation and abuse on the video, was being rewarded in a big way:



Nathan Rich

 My Survival of a Cult, Abandonment, Addiction and Homelessness : Scythe Tleppo: Nathan Rich

Scythe Tleppo

Scythe Tleppo

Scientology is Rewarding the Cover-up

What a surprising coincidence that right as Arlene Rich was defending child molestation, legal kidnapping and the hitting of children with wooden paddles, she was sent to Amsterdam to “help the Org prepare for the grand opening.” I wonder what she had contributed to that Scientology would be so proud of.  Maybe it was appearing in the video lying for the church. It seems that covering up abuses is rewarded in Scientology. So Arlene Rich and Carol Kingsley get together to make a video defending child abuse for Scientology and then magically Arlene, a person with literally no qualifications or skills (even in the Scientology world), is sent to Europe to prepare to open a building.
Speaking of lying, Carol Kingsley claimed to have taught me to ride horses and spend many hours talking to me one-on-one. She made so many false statements in the video that kids from the Ranch were contacting me to vent about it. That means that Carol Kingsley is willing to lie to cover up her crimes and to protect Scientology as well. In fact, she deliberately covered up the molestation of several girls (link) in the 1990’s. What a shocking twist it was to learn that Carol refers to Arlene Rich as her friend. I didn’t even know they had ever met. But then again, since my Aunt hasn’t talked to me in 20 years and since I don’t even know Carol Kingsley how would I?
For those who are wondering what Carol Kingsley has been up to, here’s a clue:

Nathan Rich Scythe Tleppo

I hope that three year old likes indoctrination and child molestation. Because if they are like most children, they aren’t going to like it. They are going to hate it. They are going to be scarred by it forever. But we will never know, because Arlene Rich and Carol Kingsley will do Scientology’s bidding and cover it up. And this winking idiot in the video, blindly giving money to these predators, may never even find out about it.
(956) 752-8484
The Aftermath Foundation
(956) 752-8484

The Aftermath Foundation
Helping people leave Scientology 
(956) 752-8484